This is attempt # 3 at blogging in this last month.
Maybe I have too much going on in my head and I am feeling a little less comfortable about sharing it.
So we'll see where this blog takes me.
I cut rhubarb down on the weekend and have already made Rhubarb Crisp and Rhubarb muffins. Dare I say this is the first time I have ever accomplished actually making something with the rhubarb. Well, I am thankful that I did now! And watch out for the fall! I plan to make some mean 'pear' dishes.
I have been reading the Yarn Harlot books....I love this woman. Her chapter in Free-Range Knitter called Knitting Self-Esteem is awesome. (I have tried to summarize it here, but it's not working). Also the chapter called Rachel. How Rachel knit herself out of depression by tackling a huge boring afghan. "
She was lost and forgot that if you get up in the morning and take care of your kid and are kind to yourself and your fellow humans, it's not possible to be a failure. I think her standards were too high for herself, and I think she lost track of what it felt to move forward, to accomplish things , to be competent, and I think knitting two full and undeniable miles of garter stitch gave it back to her. That's what I think."
I have lost track of what it feels like to move forward. But by God's grace I am taking baby steps. And sometimes I take a step and fall back two...but at least I took the step.
And today I cried when I heard that someone at work suggested that a friend of mine should call me because she was in a pinch and needed a sitter for a few hours. My self esteem has been so low, I didn't think any one at work would have thought me worthwhile for anything. Sounds pretty heavy, but it is the truth of what I have been dealing with.
And today I felt blessed by Tami....I love you Tami...and thank you.
Reality is the leading cause of stress for those in touch with it.