Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Keeping Christ in Christmas?

As Christmas approaches, it doesn't seem to take long before we start to hear....Keep Christ in Christmas.
Who needs to keep Christ in Christmas?
Those who believe that Jesus is their Saviour.
It would not make any sense to tell anyone else to keep Christ in Christmas.
As many people know I often question Christmas anyway. I see it as a man made holiday, not something that the Bible has told us in any way to celebrate. So, personally I am getting a little more laid back about worrying about doing things exactly right.
Because to be honest, if we want to celebrate that we are so totally unable to save ourselves, that God had to come down in bodily form to die for us, I truly don't see how what we are doing in December truly reflects that. O.K., I know that He came as a gift and the Magi brought gifts, so now we give gifts.
But lets not kid ourselves that we have the corner on God's idea of how we should celebrate something that really gets very little airplay in the Bible.
I have a fascination with the feasts of the old testament. They are deep and rich in meaning. They were (and are) celebrated in the way that was commanded by God. I can not read Exodus and Leviticus with realizing to a point how absolutely holy God is and how we are incapable of doing anything on our own.
I feel that Christmas cheapens God.
So enjoy the season, thank God for His Son and enjoy your family but make sure you don't make Christmas more than it is.