Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Praising the Lord!

As many of you know we are having some fun with our addition.
The floor is rotten.
So I have had to venture into unknown territory to see if insurance would pay for it.
We were very fortunate that nephew Brent's boss was in the neighbourhood and came down to check out the situation once Brent discovered it. He pointed us in the direction of Title Insurance.
So I took a deep breath and faxed off all my information to Title Insurance (after a short phone call in which they were NO help) I had also e-mailed them earlier.
I gave myself a weeks deadline to call again if I I didn't get a reply. Well, I chickened out the first day. The next day, I said that I would call if I received nothing. I prayed as I opened the mailbox, AND THERE WAS THE INFORMATION I WANTED.
So the next step was getting in touch with the city. So I e-mailed them June 28th and have been waiting patiently. Yesterday I resent them an e-mail but it 'seemed' to bounce back. So today I was planning to phone and send a registered letter if necessary.
And yes you guessed right. Today I got an e-mail from them!!!!!
Now we aren't really a whole lot further along yet with the repairs..but communication is a very important first step!


I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone.

1 comment:

  1. ahhhhh,wonderful...another step forward!
    Now...have a wonderful vacation!!!
