You'll never believe who I was talking to on the phone today. Tante Elly. It was one of the highlights of my life, mom! It was incredible.
A while back I decided that I would like to see her when I go to Winnipeg this year for dad's 85th...yes...85th birthday! Can you believe he is that old? He is still very handsome and we all love him very much.
Anyway, Roelien and I were talking about it and I said I was going to write Tante Elly a letter. I had often wondered about your friendship...how you ended up friends, especially as she came from a Roman Catholic background. I always thought it was neat. One of the many things that was neat about you.
So, I sent her a letter and told her who I was and asked if Roelien & I could come visit this summer. I told her I wanted to hear her memories about you. Well, today, I came home from being out and checked my phone to see who had called. And there it was...E. Smedts..I just started to scream and jump up and down and scream some more. And then I called her back. She is amazing mom. She was just so happy, it was incredible. She is 77 and sounds very young and full of energy. She loves to go hiking. She has mailed me a letter which I haven't yet received. She said that in the letter she included one thing about you. And for the rest I will have to wait until I come to see her! She wonders who will have the hardest time waiting. Me or her. She right away told her daughter Coby (that's Coby in the picture) that there was writing between the lines of the letter I sent. I was reaching out to be close to you. She SO understood. She remembers seeing Roelien at Ada's funeral and how she told Coby there..."I just have to touch Roelien. I just have to touch the child of my friend. I want to connect."
And then she shared something special about herself. She had a baby that died. (I'm sure you know that). His name was Hank. They had done an autopsy on the baby but she had never learned the results. So just 7 or 8 years ago she went to where they kept the records to find out. The lady there wanted to know who she was. "I am the mother". She said that lady and the piece of paper became her very real lifeline to her baby. It made him real again.
Just hearing her say your name over and over. It was magic. She has started a list of things she wants to tell us. She says she has about 25 things already and will keep on adding.
She also commented on the picture of me and Coby. She thinks you must have made the blanket we were sitting on, as you always did a much better job then her at making things!
And here is something else amazing. She was Roman Catholic but as she says...became Christian. She remembers coming over and arriving a bit to early after lunch and watching as you had devotions with us kids around the table. You read the Bible and you prayed to God. This was not the way the Roman Catholic's did things. They prayed to Mary. She believes that was the beginning of God working in her life to find Him. She went to the Christian Reformed Church but now goes to Calvary Temple! I remember Calvary Temple and Pastor Barber. And how you went there after Gordie was adopted by a couple that went there. (I just looked on You Tube...don't even ask...and there was Pastor Barber preaching...looks the same!)
So mom...we are always remembering you...and today we were rejoicing in you!
I love you and miss you always. (I'll tell you how the meeting goes!)
Your daughter
Quote: A mother holds her children's hands for a while...their heart forever!
You've given me the goosebumps...again!!!
ReplyDeleteIt is a GEM to have wonderful memories of your Mom...as I do with mine!