Walking down memory lane is almost always bittersweet. It reminds us that life is going by, that there are things we have left behind, out of our grasp...we are facing our own mortality. But, oh the memories can be so sweet. They give us warm fuzzy feelings. We remember the person we were. We wonder where that person went. Seasons of life...different from seasons of the year. Spring, summer, fall and winter are part of a cycle that return each year. But God gives us our seasons on this earth only once. They are all so special. Some are easier then others. It is often only in retrospect that we see this and maybe understand it. But then again...sometimes we look back with rose-coloured glasses...but that is o.k. too. With the stresses of life, looking back with a smile and sometimes a tear, can be wonderful. I thank God that He gave us the ability to remember. And thankful for the people whose paths have crossed mine.
Quote: The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody appreciates how difficult it was.
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