Sunday, May 17, 2009


This is an organization that I am hoping to become involved with.

Canadians in Support of Afghan Women

I don't profess to know or understand a lot about what is going on in so many places in this world, but I no longer want that to stop me from stepping in and doing my part.

I read a book by Sally Armstrong called Veiled Threat and it gave me some what of an understanding of what is going on over there.

This group that I have linked myself to has three projects on the go:

Nazaneen Jabar Khel Education and Health Centre Afghanistan
Library Fund
AWRC(Afghan Women's Resourse Centres) in Peshawar, Pakistan & Kabul, Afghanistan

This gives you just a hint of an idea what I am talking about if I mention CSAW.



Every road was made by people walking together.

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