Sunday, May 10, 2009

Extreme Makeover

What a day we had yesterday. Tami decided a few weeks ago that James should have a nice model room. James LOVES his models. Vintage aircraft...anything from the wars...and he is happy.

So Tami visited some things....
(She needed to empty two rooms because she switching them! )
And enlisted lots of help!
Drew ran the cable into the room
Tammy helped move things
Donnie put up new curtain rods
Stephanie put together furniture and did anything she was asked to do.
Cliff and Alice watched Rowan.
Tami and I painted..Steph helped with the touch-ups
We put up all his pictures!!

Every once in a while we put things outside, just to get them out of the way. But every couple of hours we'd have to rush to get them back in due to MAJOR thunderstorms.
Unfortunately, one of those times we forgot to bring my vacuum cleaner back in...

So when James left for work in the morning the middle room was a hodge smodge of very old furniture, odds and ends and his models. When he got home the end room was his domain.

It really had the feelings of a makeover show. It was fun.
Way ta go Tami!!!!


gotta time for a quote!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome thing to do. I'm sure he loved it!

    Sounds like a real team effort. I think that's my problem on projects like this. I'm usually a team of one or maybe two and the project never seems to get finished....and I've never been in Ikea.
