Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day One

Well, here I am. I wonder if there is any chance I will keep this blog up. I am Rowan's Oma, but I am many other things too. I am a wife, a mother, a mother-in-law, an oma, a daughter, a sister, a sister-in-law and a friend. I love to scrapbook, read, knit and go biking. I also love photography. In the last 16 months, my subject matter has narrowed down considerably. My pictures are mostly of a very special girl that has entered my life. There are not enough words to describe what she means to me. She is PURE JOY. I am hoping that I can put some of my thoughts into words. Mostly for me. But you are welcome to peak over my shoulder and read along.
Today, I am celebrating the sunshine and little accomplishments I have made. Like pinning up the new bed skirt I bought...(along with comforter, etc. ) I must have ordered at least 10 sets from Sears, so I'm glad that I finally found one that I am completely happy with. So I will be extra happy to get it sewn up and on the bed. And the coolest part is it was the cheapest of all the sets I've looked at. (I just hope that doesn't mean it'll fall apart easily) I'm not sure what will come through in this blog, but follow thru is NOT my strong point. I am all over the place! I make myself crazy. And the hubby just shakes his head.
Well, that's al for now.

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