Sunday, April 19, 2009


So here is a wild story. Well, it's wild as far as wild stories go in my life! I went to Scrapfest in Kitchener yesterday. There was 44 scrapbook/stamping exhibitors there!
Say after me...`GEM'!
While in the lineup to buy a kit from my favourite lady Sheila (The Memory Keeper is just down the street from my house), I chatted with the girl in line behind me. Chatting with people in line-ups is my gift! (Tami hated that when she was young and had to hang around me).
Mostly we talked about Sheila and how her deals were the best!
Well, an hour or two later I run into the same lady among the 100's...and I mean 100's of ladies milling around.
And we chat again.
I asked her if she saw the really cool wooden sign by the cash register at one of the exhibits.
It said...
"Your husband called, he said to spend as much money as you want."
She says...
"I bought them that sign!"

WHAT ARE THE CHANCES!!!" morning challenge is to complete a kit for Kirsten's weekend challenge...I'm really trying Kirsten!!!


Quote: You cant turn back the clock, but you can wind it up again!

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