Friday, May 15, 2009

It's a NEW DAY...

and I continue to be so blessed. My mailbox overflowed this week and so did my phone. And a perfect week to be working in the yard. I made my photography excursions take second place this week.
Right now I am working on organizing (cleaning up) my computer room. This is extremely difficult for 2 reasons!
1) I get very interested in the stuff I'm organizing and start 'playing'.
2) I start playing on the computer.


I am now going to call this my play room!!! (maybe I won't feel so guilty when I play)

But I do have a purpose for tidying this morning. I am going out for lunch with a good friend and she 'requested' I bring pictures of Rowan! I feel I must oblige. So now I am going to look under all my mounds and see what I got!

What playing looks like...Kirsten D talks about a certain summer in her life that she spent with Tami and I...I 'think' she called it the BEST summer of her life...but I think that raising 4 amazing kids, although exhausting, is truly the best season of her life!
Anyway...I decide to look up pictures of said summer...especially since we are trying to decide if we went camping that summer. I come across a few pictures that absolutely need to be scrapbooked and so I leave the whole pile out so I don't lose track of the idea. But I need one more pictures to complement this page. So I pull out a bunch of pictures called 'Schryers'. In this envelope I find a little envelope ALREADY marked...'to scrapbook'.

(just had to run...heard the mailbox...I can hear that thing anywhere in the house...)

So back to my good intentions. I have to leave all this stuff out as is high time this page gets done! And as I will be visiting said in-laws very soon, that should be incentive enough.

I've also been working on scanning pictures and pages for a disk to send my family. So I pulled out my box of 'mom' stuff....ahhhh.....and my box of Holland stuff....ahhhhh

AHHHHHH...but in such a good way!

I have a quote for the day....God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done.
I think my version will be so that gardeners/photographers can get scrapbooking done!
Or attempt it any way.

I think what I've done here is what Kirsten calls rambling...I'm rambled out for now!



  1. and you ramble quite well.

    So...... did we go camping? And yes, I agree I'm for the most part having the time of my life with this houseful of mischief makers - even the teen provides moments of joy occasionally...when she's not grounded or gnashing her teeth at anyone who dares cross her path. That summer was definately a highlight though and I have many many memories of it.....and maybe even camping?

    Enjoy your playroom and there's no harm in getting sidetracked while organizing things to take a stroll through boxes and envelopes of memories.

    Would it be too much trouble to ask that you bring your Holland scrapbook with you when you visit. Tyler would love to see it. His history teacher is in the process of planning a trip and my history buff wants to turn world traveler and take a 10-day trip with school next spring (I will move heaven and earth to help him pull together the $3000 for it) and one of the places he would visit is Amsterdam.

    Well - I'm being called to come cuddle the youngest mischief maker before duct taping him into bed.

    Love Ya!

  2. Leida doesn't remember if we camped or not. But if you remember a mattress in the back of the truck...THAT is always where we slept when we camped! And I remember you singing AT the campground. BUT the weird part pictures....but I still want to think that yes we did camp.
    My Holland pictures are on Facebook and I also am making a disk with them on. If neither suffices for boy #1, I will bring my scrapbook(s)!!!!
