Friday, May 15, 2009

Special Blessings

from God through special people. I sometimes almost feel His touch when I connect with others. Like He is taking my hand and holding it out to their hand...and I clasp it.
And I walk a while with them.
This week I held hands with many people.
My siblings though the internet or on the phone.
My very special sister-in-law who is hanging on to me, always, no matter what.
Through a card
from an aunt,
from a niece,
from a co-worker,
from a special ministry in my life.
-through a phone call from an extremely special lady.
-having lunch and going for a beautiful walk with another special friend.
-My daughter, my son-in-law and my granddaughter...
-My special friend at the Memory Keeper...

And I spent a day with a group of incredible women who are working hard for the human rights of Afghan women and children...

Thank you God, for touching me in so many ways.

I choose not to travel the road most traveled, but the one of Your choosing.


"He doesn't wait for you to have a need before He comes up with a plan to solve it.
His solution was made long before you discovered you had a need."

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